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During the summer I1.(go) to England to visit several places,2.I have learned that the United States and the United Kingdom are different in cultures. For one thing, England is a lot cleaner,3.(include) the streets and the air. Throughout my whole traveling experience, I have learned that England and the United States are similar but are also unlike in many4.(culture) ways?

In England, they have a different dialect so some of their words differ from5.(us).They also use more bicycles cars. Their method6.driving is different too. Americans drive on the left side of the car and in England they drive on the right side of the car.

There are many7.(different) in the way we eat, too. In England, they eat with a knife and fork. In America, we eat French fries with our fingers and we don't use forks and knives for those kinds of foods. In America, coffee is 8.most popular drink that adults usually drink. In England, they have tea instead of coffee.

9.(general), I think that the way people in Britain live their lives is much10.(simple).

