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“Nomophobia”, NO Mobile Phone phobia(恐惧) is a 21st-century term for the fear of not being able to use your smartphone. Smartphone addiction is on the rise, surveys show, and a new study released adds to a growing body of evidence that smartphone addiction is harming our minds literally.

Smartphone addiction affects many people from all across the globe. Over 1.8 billion people own smartphones and the average owners check their screens 150 times a day. Considering those numbers, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when 44% of people (compared with 20% in 2011) admit feeling anxious when they can’t have access to their phones.

Researchers from Harvard University used brain imaging to study the brains of 19 teenage boys who were diagnosed with smartphone addiction. Compared with 19 teenagers who were not addicted, the brains of the addicted boys had significantly higher levels of GABA, which decelerates neurons (神经元), than levels of glutamate-glutamine, which energizes brain signals. That results in poorer attention and control, which you don’t want to have, because you want to stay focused. So that means you are easier to get distracted.

“Addicted teenagers in the study also had significantly higher scores in anxiety, depression and levels of impulsiveness (冲动) ,” said Dr. Leslie Perlow, who led the study.

If you seem to have the symptoms of smart device addiction, experts have some suggestions in addition to mindfulness training. First, turn off your phone at certain times of the day, such as in meetings, when having dinner, playing with your kids, and of course, driving. Remove social media apps, like Facebook and Twitter from your phone, and only check-in from your laptop. Try to stop yourself to 15-minute intervals at set times of the day when it won’t affect work or family life. Don’t bring your cellphone and its harmful blue light to bed, and use an old-fashioned alarm to wake you. And last, try to replace your smart device time with healthier activities such as meditating or actually interacting with real people.

1.What is the conclusion of the research?

A.Smartphone addiction leads to distraction.

B.Smartphone addiction easily causes anger.

C.Smartphone addiction is harmful to the mind.

D.Smartphone addiction brings about anxiety and depression.

2.Where can you find the data that best supports smartphone addiction is on the rise?

A.In Paragraph 2. B.In Paragraph 3.

C.In Paragraph 4. D.In Paragraph 5.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “decelerates” in Paragraph 3?

A.Speeds up. B.Slows down.

C.Adds to. D.Cuts down.

4.Which of the suggestions is encouraged according to the text?

A.To use an old-fashion cellphone. B.To participate in more social activities.

C.To stop fifteen-minute intervals. D.To turn off the blue light on bed.

