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Radio Station Contest

Alexis and Zoe were sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. They were having a hard time concentrating on their assignment because the radio station was playing music from their favourite band, the Shape Shifters.

“I can’t believe the Shifters are going to be playing here and we can’t go!” Alexis mopped.

“I know,” pouted Zoe. “Tickets were sold out in five minutes, and even if we could get some, they are so-o-o expensive!”

Zoe turned the radio up a little louder. Their favourite song was on, and the girls had an impromptu (即兴的) dance party right there in the kitchen. Using a pencil and a banana as microphones, they belted out the lyrics they knew so well.

As it ended, they collapsed into their seats again. The radio disc jockey started talking about the concert. “They are playing in town this weekend, and we’re giving away two tickets to Saturday’s sold-out show, right now! We’re looking for the 5th caller who can correctly answer this question: Who is the oldest member of the Shape Shifters?”

Alexis and Zoe looked at each other. They couldn’t believe how easy the question was. “It’s Georgie!” said Alexis.

“No, it’s Natasha,” answered Zoe. “What do you mean?” asked Alexis. “Everyone knows Georgie is 29, he’s much older than the rest of the band.”

“Yeah, I know he’s the oldest person, but the question was who’s the oldest member of the band. Natasha started the band when she was just 15. The others joined the group after her.”

As they listened, they heard the D.J. taking calls from excited fans. “Caller Number Three, you’re up! Who is the oldest member of the Shape Shifters?” “It’s Georgie,” said the nervous voice through the radio speakers. “Wrong again,” boomed the D.J.. “Nobody seems to know the answer! Next caller!”

Para 1:

Alexis turned to Zoe. “You’re right! It is about who has been in the band the longest! CALL THE STATION NOW!”


Para 2:

The girls waited, unable to move. The kitchen clocked ticked, stretching out each slow second.


