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Directions: 用动词的适当形式和恰当的冠词、连词、介词、代词或情态动词、形容词副词的比较级或最高级填空,使句子成立

Turning Pain into Music

After 1. (diagnose) with a severe pain disease, Jake Smith from Colorado leaned on music to cope.

The problem first started for Smith when he was a freshman in high school. He suffered a concussion(脑震荡)while playing basketball. The symptoms didn't seem to go away after several months.

Doctors discovered a small fracture(裂缝)in Smith's skull that was causing the pressure and the headaches. The teenager had surgery to repair it, but when he woke up, the problem was much worse. For months, he was in near constant pain. ''It was the first time in my life that I 2. (experience) a pain severe enough to actually understand why people would kill themselves because of the pain.'' Smith said.

Doctors eventually diagnosed him with Trigeminal Neuralgia(三叉神经痛), a disorder that causes severe pain in the face. T. N. , 3. it's also called, gets worse over time and is incurable. Doctors call it suicide disease because they think it’s 4. (painful) thing a human can experience. And they estimate that 25 percent of people who have this disease end up killing 5..

    Facing this awful reality, Smith turned to something he'd known since he was five years old - playing the piano. When he was in too much pain to sleep, he would be in the basement on his keyboard playing all night long.

    The keys wouldn’t take the pain away, but the notes would make it more bearable.

    While dealing with the immense pain, the then-18-year-old wrote his first album, Loreto. He published all 17 songs on his website, free for all, aiming to offer some comfort to people also 6. (go) through pain.

The idea prompted Smith to start song dedications(为他人写歌). He would take request within online groups for people suffering from T. N. or other pain disorders and write 7. (personalize) melodies(旋律)for them. 8. his won suffering, he composed songs like ''Ad Defeats Despair, '' ''Maiji's Waterfall'' and ''Marsha's Snowy Mountain, '' sometimes based one person's requested peaceful place.

    ''A lot of people say that when I write them a song and they listen to it, their pain is a lessened ... So, I guess that's 9. I keep doing it. '' he said.

    The 20-year-old has so far published over 100 songs on his website. His efforts 10. (help) people with T. N. have expanded to include other pain diseases, as well as cancer.

