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My first born son had been diagnosed with Autism(自闭症). His speech wasn’t developing_______

He would cry for a long time for no reason….

My daughter who had been born two years after him was developing normally, out-pacing her brother. My wife had  been_______ with  just  the two  of them but I’d  wanted another  son.  I wanted  a(n) ___________ son who  would be just like  me and  _________the  family name. The doctors had assured us that the _______were one in ten thousand that we would  have  another child with Autism. _______, a part of me was afraid. When we discovered my wife was pregnant with a boy again, I remember _______ , over and over and over.

As my third born child _________, however, it soon became  _________that the doctors had been wrong. While his brother had ____________learned to talk, read, and learn, my youngest son could say only a few words. His Autistic behaviors were  much more ____________. Life had said “No” to my prayer.

The journey that __________ has been a long and difficult one for my sons, my daughter, their mother, and me. It still goes on today.  It__________all of us down a path we didn’t want to go, __________ it was a path that led us all to greater love and kindness. In the end, my two boys became my greatest teachers on how to live and how to love. My oldest son now is a  __________ of kindness who gives out hugs happily. His younger brother still doesn’t__________much but has a laughter and innate joy that  __________my soul each and every day of my life.

Sometimes we don’t know why some of our wishes are __________ while others aren’t. All I know is that we are all loved. And we just have to trust ____________ we don’t know the answers. Live your life with love then ! Trust in life to lead you down the path you are__________to go.

1.A.right B.true C.clever D.wrong

2.A.strict B.content C.patient D.delighted

3.A.excellent B.outstanding C.normal D.clever

4.A.make up B.pick out C.set up D.carry on

5.A.chances B.numbers C.dangers D.luck

6.A.However B.Also C.Thus D.Still

7.A.asking B.discussing C.praying D.consulting

8.A.came up B.grew up C.turned up D.got up

9.A.clear B.incredible C.confusing D.possible

10.A.eventually B.exactly C.accidentally D.actually

11.A.better B.nervous C.severe D.extreme

12.A.started B.ended C.followed D.inspired

13.A.forced B.forbade C.prevented D.encouraged

14.A.but B.and C.so D.though

15.A.resource B.fountain C.bit D.flood

16.A.act B.write C.speak D.read

17.A.cleans B.influences C.shapes D.brightens

18.A.solved B.answered C.promised D.considered

19.A.now that B.in case C.even if D.as if

20.A.allowed B.requested C.advised D.meant

