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The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2020

The 2010s made one thing clear: 1.It is in our homes with thermostats that heat up our rooms before we walk through the door.It is in our cars with safety features that warn us about vehicles in nearby lanes.We even wear it on ourselves in the form of watches that monitor our health.Here's what to watch in tech this year.


In the last few years,Amazon,Apple and Google have battled to become the center of our homes.Now,they are working together on a standard to help make smart home products work well with one another.For example,if you open your door,then the door can say to the lights to turn them on.

5G rises steadily.

One important benefit of the technology is its ability to greatly make everything faster. 3.That will be important for the compatibility(兼容性)of next-generation devices like robots. sell-driving cars and drones.For example,if your car has 5G and another car has 5G,the two cars can talk to each other.4.

The wearables market heats up.

It is a time of intense competition in wearable computers.5.Computer chips are making their way into other electronic products like earphones,which means that companies are likely to introduce innovations in wearable equipment,That whole area of improving our hearing and hearing the way other people hear us is really interesting.

A.Home becomes smarter.

B.Tech is everywhere in life,

C.Door upgrades intelligently,

D.The biggest thing is connected everything.

E.And the competition is set to lead to more creativity and innovation.

F.The other is the time it takes for devices to communicate with one another.

G.And they can also signal to each other when they are braking and changing lanes.

