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Everybody knows the importance of drinking enough water.As we all know, drinking water benefits your skin, muscles and organs.1.

The major reason for that is related to human biological needs.When you're a baby, you're 75 percent water.Then, as the years get higher, you get drier.2.  It helps you lose weight, according to a study from the University of Birmingham.

The researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water thirty minutes before a meal helped participants lose 10 more pounds than those who did not.3. All participants were advised to improve their diet and physical activity levels.84 overweight adults were involved.Among them 41 were told to “preload” with water, while 43 were told to control their water intake before eating.After 12 weeks, the participants instructed to “preload” with water lost 2.87 pounds more than those in the control group on average.In addition, the participants preloading with water before each of their three main meals every day lost 9.48 pounds over the 12 weeks.4.

Dr.Helen Parretti, a lecturer at the University of Birmingham, had this to say of the study:  5.Just drinking 500 ml of water, three times a day, before your main meals may help reduce your weight...and this could be an easy way for weight loss. Furthermore, it can be significant for an individual to lose extra weight, making a potential contribution to public health.

A.Another reason to drink water is right here.

B.The study began with a weight management consultation.

C.The beauty of these findings is that losing weight is simple.

D.But not everyone can get access to tap water in some areas.

E.It also helps prevent certain diseases and improve your mood.

F.In contrast, those preloading once a day or never, lost just 1.76 pounds.

G.So kids should drink more water instead of coke to keep healthy.

