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A. Help your children get organized

B. Help your children set a schedule

C. Give children the responsibility for their own homework

D. Provide your children with a study area

E. Praise your children for working hard

F. Offer your children information if necessary

Once children reach the grades where homework and tests are part of the curriculum, there are many things parents can do to encourage good study habits.

1. _____________

Parents should decide with their children what time each day homework is to be done. While children are in the lower grades, one hour a day will probably enough. As homework and responsibilities increase, more time will be needed. It is important that children take part in these decisions. Children need to know that they are able to make decisions about their studying. Once children and parents have decided on a schedule, they should stick to it. If there is no home work to be done on a given day, parents can have their children use this time as quiet time to read or work on long term projects. It’s important for children to get used to studying every day.

2. ______________

Parents should offer their children a quiet, comfortable place to study in. It’s a good idea that studying is done in the same place every day. Parents should make sure their children have the supplies they need (for example, paper, pencils, a pencil sharpener). Sometimes children’s bedrooms are not the best place to study in. There are often lots of distractions in children’s rooms.


Parents should give their children a calendar on which to record assignments and to check them off when they are completed. Parents can also show their children how to keep their work and materials organized and how to prioritize assignments.


Parents should be available to answer any questions that might come up. They should try to provide information without actually doing the homework for their children.


Parents cannot force their children to study. Nagging (唠叨) and threatening don’t work. Children need to know that they are responsible for doing their homework and for studying. Parents should give their children the responsibility, and let them suffer the consequences if they, for example, fail to turn in an assignment. The parents’ role is to provide support.

Remember, children must learn that they are responsible or their own learning. Parents can make the difference by giving their children the tools to do so.

