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Now that you’re already in the workforce, you know what works for you. This knowledge can not only help you find a good job. 1.

The golden rule is to keep your job hunt separate from your current work. Don’t look for jobs while you’re working, and never use a work computer to search job listings. 2.

When you go on job interviews, your potential employer will ask why you’re looking to leave your current job. 3. Always answer positively, even if the truth is negative.

Great a networking tool as social media is, NEVER post that you’re looking for a job on Facebook or any other social media accounts. 4. You don’t want to start any rumors(传言)that you’re searching for a job, and you definitely don’t want anyone, especially your boss, to find out from someone else, especially from your social media account.

5. It presents an opportunity for you and your boss to have a frank discussion about what could make the job a better fit for you. Maybe you’ll end up getting the advancement or salary increase or other career path that would make you want to stay.

A. It can also help your job search, saving precious time.

B. If your current employer talks to you about it, be honest.

C. This is not the time to complain about your boss or the company.

D. Otherwise, this message will find its way to people from your office.

E. Try not to connect with anyone from work if you’re looking for another job.

F. It’s likely that you’re lonely because you don’t like your boss and coworkers.

G. You see, your work computer belongs to the company, and they have access to everything on it.

