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Business depends on productivity and employee’s interaction(互动) with customers. The more productive a company is and the better its customer service is, the more income it makes. Productivity is measured by the output of employees. No other factor influences productivity and customer interaction more than how the employees think about their job.

Working environments are not the same. Blame Donais, in his book Workplaces That Work, defines culture as “a system of shared beliefs, values and norms(规范) that shape behavior”. This system of shared beliefs creates the atmosphere in which the employees work and determines their worth in the company, their opportunities within the company and their opinions of their managers.

A review of the culture of the workplace helps the management team to create models that inspire a more productive and employee-friendly culture. Understanding the workplace culture gives the management insight(洞察力)as to what hinders(阻碍) production, what can be changed and what policies can be added.

Negative cultures discourage employees, form having opinions. This is generally a result of a management team that only sees employees for their production values. Employees who don’t feel valued move on to companies that encourage their input. The high turnover results in less qualified employees.

Positive workplace cultures keep more employees. Employees who remain in positions for extended periods of time develop relationships with preferred customers and can often be the reason that a customer does business with a company. Motivated employees value the company’s assets(资产)more, and their decisions reflect this value.

Joan Hodgins, a management psychologist, insists that “Research shows organizations that are committed to developing and maintaining a culture of ‘dignity at work’, harvest the benefits in terms of financial results.” Blame Donais advises that large workplaces be aware of subcultures that can develop in different regions in the world. Large companies may need outside help to create national or global platforms to encourage a united culture among all their locations.

1.What influences a company most according to the text?

A. Its customer service.   B. Its efficient production.

C. Its managers’ work attitude.   D. Its employees’ opinions about work.

2.What can we learn about Blame Donais’ attitude?

A. He thins people have different opinions on negative cultures.

B. He thinks large workplaces should maintain a different culture.

C. He thinks the system of shared beliefs is not fit for workplaces.

D. He thinks subcultures are of great importance to large workplaces.

3.What way be the best title for the text?

A. The Importance of Workplace Culture

B. The Disadvantages of Workplace Culture

C. How to Choose a Qualified Company

D. How to Employ Qualified Employees

