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I enjoy reading all of moving ideas from the wonderful site about people giving on their birthday. So, I______this would be my chance to experience the joy of giving on my special day.

My husband took me to the Olive Garden, where we often had meals, and our _____was very nice. We had a great dinner experience there. Then Karina brought our _____.I knew it was my time to give. ______she came back to the table to get our credit card, I placed the gift bag on the edge of the table and ______said, "I want to______you with a gift ______my birthday, "Oh, the______on her face! She said." No, not for______! It's your birthday!" Then she said, "Can I open it in front of you? "And I said that would be _______.

The first thing she ______ was the color of the gift bag which was purple. Purple is her favorite color, She actually _____a purple tie! She opened the card and said, "It's Christmas in July. "As she was taking the gift out of the _____, she said she was excited. It's wonderful to give to someone who is ______to receive! She opened the box and saw it was a purple mug(杯子). Inside the mug was a smile card and forty five dollars, a dollar______each year of my life. After seeing the______, she looked at my husband and said we did not have to ______a tip. He just ____her words and left her the tip anyway.

Karina was so ______ what she had received. I thanked her for receiving my gift. I am thankful to God for another year of life and the _______to see that every day is a great day to give.

1.A. decided   B. complained   C. forgot   D. regretted

2.A. neighbour   B. relative   C. waitress   D. manager

3.A. license   B. tool   C. bill   D. document

4.A. Although   B. When   C. Wherever   D. Unless

5.A. tightly   B. nearly   C. passively   D. simply

6.A. employ   B. describe   C. train   D. bless

7.A. in honor of   B. in place of   C. in order of   D. in need of

8.A. trust   B. shock   C. fear   D. pride

9.A. her   B. me   C. him   D. you

10.A. valuable   B. fine   C. secret   D. tidy

11.A. offered   B. served   C. noticed   D. changed

12.A. had on   B. turned down   C. set aside   D. wiped out

13.A. case   B. drawer   C. cupboard   D. bag

14.A. polite   B. confident   C. willing   D. sensitive

15.A. stood for   B. broke down   C. ran into   D. left out

16.A. receipt   B. money   C. food   D. notice

17.A. count   B. grasp   C. mark   D. leave

18.A. bothered   B. checked   C. responded   D. ignored

19.A. grateful for   B. patient with   C. skilled at   D. curious about

20.A. fortune   B. opportunity   C. competition   D. trade

