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Just as we take care of our friends and families, our homes and Mother Earth take care of us. Our homes give us a place of shelter that ________ between us and the rest of the world. The earth is a(n) ________ giver of life and the keeper of our physical and spiritual needs. Her rich ________ bring us up, give us air, and offer us cooling shade. Her waters ________ our thirst. Yet it is easy to take both of these wonderful ________ of our gifts for granted. ________ the thanks you feel toward your home and Mother Earth for the gifts each ________ you. It can help you stay ________ of where many of the gifts in your life come from. Each time you give thanks, you’ll be ________ of the importance of caring for your home and for Mother Earth. There is a simple and beautiful ________ you can find to show your thanks. Begin by finding a ________ place where you can be alone. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply  ________ you feel relaxed and then read the following out loud:

“Thank you, home, for allowing me to live ________ your walls. Thank you for allowing me to stay strong and ________ me. Thank you, Mother Earth, for the land I ________ on and farm. Thank you, plants, minerals, and animals on the land for allowing me to ________ your beauty and your amazement of life, and for the ________ of living with all of you on this earth. Thank you for the wisdom and  ________ you bring to us.”

You can do so as often as you like and anytime you feel particularly thankful for the many gifts that you have ________. Each time you do, you’ll strengthen your connection with all that ________ and supports you.

1.A. bend   B. stand   C. react   D. disappear

2.A. cheerful   B. skilful   C. unselfish   D. amazing

3.A. animals   B. plants   C. minerals   D. waters

4.A. promote   B. show   C. influence   D. satisfy

5.A. sources   B. memories   C. power   D. devotion

6.A. Accept   B. Express   C. Earn   D. Deserve

7.A. employs   B. attracts   C. appreciates   D. provides

8.A. fond   B. full   C. aware   D. kind

9.A. accused   B. promised   C. warned   D. reminded

10.A. road   B. word   C. way   D. place

11.A. safe   B. quiet   C. distant   D. public

12.A. though   B. because   C. unless   D. until

13.A. within   B. beyond   C. beside   D. in

14.A. admitting   B. supporting   C. challenging   D. educating

15.A. live   B. call   C. focus   D. feed

16.A. examine   B. explain   C. experience   D. describe

17.A. adventure   B. wisdom   C. loss   D. honor

18.A. anger   B. worry   C. joy   D. desire

19.A. received   B. purchased   C. exchanged   D. brought

20.A. shocks   B. protects   C. monitors   D. masters

