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The Good Gym was created by Ivo Gormley, 29, who discovered that combining a weekly run with a visit to a housebound(足不出户的)friend of the family was just the inspiration he needed to keep him exercising. It helped that his elderly friend was a former boxer who could offer training tips. As Gormley did his suggested sit-ups, he thought about this: how few people have the time or energy to volunteer and yet use gyms to burn off energy, and how little dialogue there is between working people and the elderly.

Through working with charities and local community centers, the Good Gym matches runners with an individual(个人的)coach 一 a housebound elderly person who would like a regular visitor. They are encouraged to take a newspaper or a modest gift to the value of £1.

Cawley, 38, a hairdresser, heard about the Good Gym through Twitter. "It seemed such a great idea," she said. It took four months for her to be checked by the Criminal Records Bureau・ Then she got Mulcahy to run to, based on the distance she requested.

Having a break in her running works well from a training point of view: she does a speed run to Mulcahy's house, rests there, then does a more gentle, warm-down jog on the way home. Cawley is from Stockport and has no grandparents in London, so she enjoys chatting to her elderly coach. While the Good Gym advises runners to stay for about 10 minutes, Cawley sometimes chats to Mulcahy for an hour. Although he has family, and regular visits from professional carers, Cawley thinks he enjoys a visit from someone who does not worry like relatives and is not there out of professional duty. She didn't really know what he thought of "this person turning up and chatting to him” until she told him she was going away on holiday. He said, "I'll really miss you."

1.What inspired Ivo Gormley to start the Good Gym?

A.His elderly coach's advice.

B.People's care for the elderly.

C.His own personal experience.

D.People's craziness about sports.

2.What was Cawley's attitude towards the Good Gym?

A.Unclear. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Unconcerned.

3.Why did Mulcahy enjoy Cawley's regular visits?

A.The visiting time of Cawley is longer.

B.Cawley treated him like her granddad.

C.The care from Cawley is very professional.

D.He felt more comfortable with Cawley's visits.

