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While everyone enjoys listening to good music, not many of us are what the world calls "musician" —the ones with the ability to play a musical instrument. This could be due to not having the chance to learn as kids or simply due to lack of proper instruction. 1. And here are four good reasons as to why everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.

It teaches patience. 2. It is the daily efforts of everyday practice that can help a musician learn how to play without mistakes. Most musicians go through years of regular practice that may include doing daily musical exercises and dealing with progressively difficult musical pieces, which in turn help them acquire the virtue of patience.

It promotes a sense of achievement. The process of learning how to play an instrument can be both time consuming and tiring. 3. The more time and effort you put into mastering an instrument, the greater your sense of achievement will be.

4. Playing a musical instrument can bring the joy factor into your life. Music has the special ability to bring joy, peace peace and fulfillment that help lift the spirit and make life enjoyable for everyone involved.

It regulates mood. Research shows that creating music reduces stress. Playing music can also act as an emotional way to express your feelings. 5.

A.It brings pleasure.

B.It improves listening skills.

C.However, music is something that is never too late to learn.

D.Overcoming this directly results in a sense of achievement and pride.

E.Playing an instrument is not something that can be learned overnight.

F.Regularly playing any instrument is a great form of exercise for the brain.

G.Creating your own music can change your sadness or joy into a real work of art.

