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The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn’t mind if you call her a girl. That’s because Markita Andrews has ______ more than $80,000 by selling cookies  since she was seven years old. Going door to door after school, the painfully shy Markita___ herself into a cookie-selling expert.

It___ with desire. Burning, white-hot desire.

Markita and her widowed mother___ a dream of traveling the globe. Once, Markita read a magazine article, saying that the child who sold the most cookies would win an all-expenses-paid trip for two around the world. She decided to have a ______ at it.

To realize her dream, Markita went door to door every day after school, and repeated, “Hi, I have a dream. I’m ________  a trip around the world for my mom and  me by selling cookies.” Then she asked, “Would you like to___ in my dream by buying some cookies?” Whether they bought or not, she always___ a smile.

Her hard work  finally_________. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies  that year and she won her trip around the world.

Markita is  not  __________   than  thousands of other people. The key to her  _______ is that she has found the secret of selling: Ask, Ask, Ask! Many people fail  _______ they even begin because of their fear of____.

It takes courage to ask for what you  want. Courage is not the ________  of fear.   It’s doing what it takes despite one’s fear. And, as Markita has discovered, the more you ask, the  _____  it gets.

1.A.spent B.generated C.withdrew D.received

2.A.threw B.brought C.transformed D.persuaded

3.A.starts B.mixes C.corresponds D.deals

4.A.created B.realized C.remembered D.shared

5.A.push B.go C.look D.blow

6.A.enjoying B.organizing C.booking D.earning

7.A.drop B.cut C.invest D.live

8.A.forced B.wore C.pretended D.produced

9.A.paid back B.turned up C.paid off D.turned around

10.A.smarter B.richer C.higher D.prettier

11.A.success B.discovery C.delivery D.progress

12.A.after B.until C.once D.before

13.A.interaction B.rejection C.competition D.discrimination

14.A.cause B.experience C.presence D.absence

15.A.easier B.more C.faster D.harder

