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After watching a race, Carole and Verne King returned late at a stormy night to their hotel, where dogs are allowed. They discovered Katie, their 7-year-old border collie (牧羊犬), was _________. Apparently, she was probably frightened by the _________ and rushed nervously out.

Where would they find it in this town of 23,000 citizens, _________ by forests and fields? The couple spent the next 57 days _________ searching. “I go to bed every night feeling terrible.” Verne King said. “Will she be cold? Has she eaten anything today? We are in _________.” Carole King also started jogging and biking around the neighborhood, hoping her sweat would _________ to the dogs. They placed used T-shirts, Katie’s blanket and dog bowls in carefully _________ places. Even more, they put on night-vision glasses and stayed out in the cold for hours. But they didn’t see any _________.

By the second weekend, Carole was losing _________ and began to cry. But her husband __________ her to stay another week. Some of her new __________ encouraged her and helped her to search for it.

One morning, a resident called and said she looked out of the window and __________ Katie was in her backyard. Carol King __________ with a friend. When they arrived, a woman __________ to a dog under a nearby tree. It was a border collie. They started calling Katie’s name. The dog was __________, and recognized Carol. Katie ran at full speed and __________ herself into Carol King’s arms.

Carol King said “I cried, __________ her and holding her close to my arms. I can’t wait to put her in the car. ” Katie soon fell __________ in the front seat. She was tired and has __________ 15 pounds. They took her to the emergency vet, who was moved to tears when he learned Katie had __________ a lot and so many people had been trying to find her.

1.A.missing B.anxious C.naughty D.abnormal

2.A.waiter B.thunderstorm C.accommodation D.darkness

3.A.buried B.attracted C.surrounded D.accompanied

4.A.desperately B.directly C.roughly D.briefly

5.A.charge B.vain C.danger D.pain

6.A.expand B.signal C.speak D.respond

7.A.inspected B.experimented C.swept D.selected

8.A.ending B.explanation C.assistance D.hope

9.A.confidence B.direction C.interest D.face

10.A.replaced B.approved C.persuaded D.ordered

11.A.friends B.colleagues C.guests D.employees

12.A.answered B.found C.appreciated D.forgot

13.A.looked ahead B.hurried over C.settled in D.showed off

14.A.contributed B.appealed C.pointed D.agreed

15.A.cautious B.accessible C.appropriate D.sensitive

16.A.threw B.poured C.slipped D.delivered

17.A.beating B.fastening C.hugging D.fixing

18.A.ill B.asleep C.apart D.short

19.A.reached B.remained C.gained D.lost

20.A.developed B.witnessed C.suffered D.changed

