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Many people feel their parents are overprotective. Try communicating your frustrations, setting firm boundaries, and taking steps to reduce your parents’ anxiety.

Pick a safe time and space

Choose a location where both you and your parents feel comfortable. If you live at home, the living room or kitchen table might work. If you have already moved out, choose a location like a quiet coffee shop. Pick a time when there isn’t any disturbance. 1..

Use “I” statements

Begin your sentences with the words “I feel” first. 2. This will make your parents feel like you’re not complaining. For example, do not say, “It’s really overbearing when you check up on me every five minutes. “ Instead, say something like, “I feel stressed out when you call and text a lot when I’m out.”

Express your needs and wants

3.. So it’s important to be transparent about your wants and needs. Express your goals in a way that is firm and respectful. For example, say “I don’t mind following a curfew (宵禁), but I would appreciate not having to answer phone calls every half-hour.” Express appreciation for your parents. Let your parents know you appreciate that they love you.


If you’re trying to have an honest, effective conversation, consider their viewpoints. While you may think it’s unnecessary that your parents worry about a small cold turning into pneumonia, allow them to express this feeling without judgment. 5. .

While it’s important not to let your parents fear’s affect your life, understanding the root of a fear can help you better address it in the future.

A.Don’t overlook your parents’ viewpoints

B.Don’t communicate right before work or bedtime

C.In this way you’re focusing on your own feelings

D.You cannot expect your parents to read your mind

E.Overprotection is unintentionally a form of control

F.Try to understand the issues driving their overprotection

G.Acknowledge that you understand their worry about you

