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The fast spread of the virus has led most Chinese citizens to wear face masks in public to help reduce infections. The Beijing-based Hanwang Technology Ltd. says it has created a new facial recognition system that is the first to effectively identify people even if they are wearing masks.

China is recognized as a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence and facial recognition system. The new system is based on the existing technologies developed over the past 10 years.

“When wearing a mask, the recognition rate can reach about 95 percent, which can ensure that most people can be identified,” Hanwang’s vice president, Huang Lei, said. He added that the system’s success rate for people not wearing a mask is about 99.5 percent. However, the new system struggles to identify people wearing both a mask and sunglasses. “In this situation, all of the key facial information is lost. In such cases recognition is tough,” Huang said.

Hanwang is now selling two main kinds of products that use the technology. One performs “single channel” recognition and the other is a “multi-channel” recognition, which can identify individuals in a crowd of up to 30 people “within a second”.

Huang said officials can use Hanwang’s technology to compare images with ministry (部门) records on individuals in order to identify and track people as they move about. The system can identify crime suspects (嫌疑人), terrorists or make reports or warnings, he added.

While some citizens have expressed opposition to such tools, more people seem to have accepted the methods as a way to deal with the current health emergency.

So far, Huang says most interest in the new system has come from within China. But he sees the interest likely expanding if the virus continues to spread and the use of face masks increases.

1.What do we know about the new facial recognition system?

A.It has no relation to the existing tech. B.It is being used both at home and abroad.

C.It can record people’s temperature. D.It can be used for many purposes.

2.According to the passage, the new system will probably be most helpful for _______.

A.international companies B.colleges and universities

C.the Ministry of Public Safety D.the Ministry of Manpower

3.What’s most people’s attitude towards the use of the new system?

A.Supportive. B.Disapproving. C.Uncaring. D.Doubtful.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To show China’s technological advances. B.To introduce a newly developed system.

C.To demonstrate the innovation of China. D.To advertise a new tech-based product.

