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When you go to and get up is the key to having a good sleep. Once you are used to your body’s biological (生物钟) clocks, your body will know when to sleep and when to be awake.

2.. As soon as your eyes open, light shoots down and into the brain’s clock. There it starts the production of the hormones (荷尔蒙) that are about growth, reproduction, eating, sleeping, thinking, remembering even how you feel from minute to minute. Sunlight makes your brain awake, and wakes up your body’s biological clock. Then your body has a clear understanding that at midnight it should be asleep and at noon it should be awake. 3..

When you are sleepy, your eyes are tired and you can’t hear what people are saying to you.

Don’t stay in bed when you’re awake. 4. Being up increases your sleep drive which just could make you sleepy enough to actually fall asleep when you return to bed.

Before going to bed, you need to relax yourself and turn into the person who can sleep from the person who can do everything.

Try not to stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights and sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which is enough to destroy your biological clock. 5.. And you will not be the happy person as you expect when Monday morning comes.

A.Ways to get a good quality sleep

B.Ways to relax yourself before sleeping

C.A good night’s sleep in fact starts in the morning

D.You’d better get up at the same time every morning

E.You’d better get up or go to read a book in the living room

F.Even if you go to bed early on Sunday nights you will not be ready to sleep

G.If you wake up at a different time every day your biological clock will be disordered

