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1.How will information technology meet these ________(挑战)today and in the near future?

2.Under the new curriculum standard, our teachers have________(采用) the new method of teaching.

3.By searching online, I have found out the meaning of the word ________(最后,终于).

4.To our ________(快乐,高兴), the government has passed some laws of protecting the air, and we can do something useful, too.

5.He has a message from King Fahd, believed to be an________ (呼吁) for Arab unity.

6. There is no need to keep ________(责备) each other about the breaking of the windows.

7.Despite many difficulties, I am deeply ________ (乐观的) about the problems.

8.________(失望的), she asked me to take her to the train station, saying she would take the train back home.

9.The more time, energy and money you spend ________(获得,取得) knowledge, the more control you have over your life.

10. We all want to make a good first impression and not get stuck in an________(局促不安的) conversation.

11. I ________(绝对地) believe in miracles, and believe that they are all around us, every day.

12.His research has________ (贡献) a lot to our understanding of this disease.

13.I believe that every one of us has our own fears...fear of being ________(打败), fear of losing and the likes.

14.He tried to hold out for higher pay by ________(拒绝) signature to the contract.

15. Smoking should be ________(禁止,取缔) in cars, and particularly any vehicle with children in it.

