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A community garden is a shared garden. A group of people get together and share a piece of land for their garden. This could be an empty place, or simply one at a neighbor's house.

Community gardens are not limited to urban locations. Many rural communities share garden space as well . Some communities will divide their garden into individual plots and others will work on the entire garden together. You may find some community gardens on rooftops. This provides a platform for city citizen, where they can communicate with nature even when there no yard space.

community garden can be used to grow flowers and other plants as well as produce. Some community gardeners choose to sell their homegrown goods. Others choose to use it themselves and some do a combination of both . Some community gardeners donate part of their produce to local food banks . Besides, homegrown produce is also much fresher and tastier.

When you belong to a community garden it also gives you a chance to socialize with your neighbor. You'll develop a better sense of involvement and belonging. You'll be communicating with people of similar interests, as well as people with different ideas .Community gardening often leads to setting up other community projects.

It brings a sense of achievement to know that you've taken apiece of waste land and turned it into something beautiful .The entire neighborhood will enjoy the benefits of your bard work.

A community garden is an opportunity for education as well .You may learn from your fellow gardeners .You can also ask local children to join you .This gives them a way to show their creativity and keep them busy, and points them in the right direction.

1.People can find a community garden________

A.near the river

B.only in rural areas

C.only in urban locations

D.both in rural and urban communities

2.Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of the community garden?

A.A sense of achievement.

B.A sense of involvement and belonging

C.An opportunity for education

D.A method to ease urban crowdedness

3.According to the passage, a community garden_________

A.will replace other community projects

B.is especially suitable for rural areas

C.can sometimes be on the top of a roof

D.can only be shared where there is no yard space

4.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk abort?

A. The produce of a community garden.

B. The location of a community garden.

C The definition of a community garden

D. The popularity of a community garden.

5.It can be learned from the passage that a community garden can __________

A. make it unnecessary to go shopping

B improve your study a lot at school

C. make you richer and healthier

D. help you to avoid feeling lonely

