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I was in the bakery section of a local supermarket the other day when I spotted a huge and delicious-looking chocolate cake on sale. I ____ to put it in my shopping cart, but lately I thought i had been trying to lose weight, ____ I walked on. Just as I was passing it by, a little boy ran up to it and yelled, “ Mommy, let’s ____ the chocolate cake!” His mom walked up and ____ explained that they couldn’t afford that cake on ____ , but maybe they could get a couple of chocolate ____ instead. I expected the little boy to be ____ , but instead his smile grew even ____ as he said, “Yes, I love cookies!”

How I wish I had the ____ of that little boy! As I have gone down life’s path over the years, I had far too often ____ the delightful cookies that had been offered to me because my eyes were ____ on the giant chocolate cake at the end of the road. All the little joys that I could have ____ were ignored because I couldn’t take my eyes off the prize. It took me so many years to ____ that the chocolate cake was only an illusion(幻想) of my own _____.

That chocolate cake was the ____ of what I wanted my life to be, but all of those cookies were the things that life ____ me to live. These days I delight in every one of them. I ____ every chance to do good, to share love, to create joy and to grow into the person I was meant to be. I also know I will see delightful cookies in the  ___ of my life.

Don’t miss your cookies for some ____ cake. Enjoy every bite of it. Enjoy the love for you and ____ your own love as well. Make your life a sweet treat for your soul and the souls of people you meet.

1.A. promised   B. wanted   C. managed   D. forgot

2.A. if   B. or   C. as   D. so

3.A. smell   B. get   C. sell   D. bake

4.A. eager   B. nervously   C. angrily   D. patiently

5.A. tour   B. duty   C. sale   D. purpose

6.A. cookies   B. eggs   C. drinks   D. bars

7.A. worried   B. surprised   C. upset   D. glad

8.A. sadder   B. thinner   C. weaker   D. wider

9.A. dream   B. wisdom   C. trust   D. freedom

10.A. bought   B. noticed   C. refused   D. eaten

11.A. depended   B. fixed   C. called   D. based

12.A. demanded   B. offered   C. gained   D. missed

13.A. see   B. require   C. expect   D. imagine

14.A. destroying   B. absorbing   C. making   D. correcting

15.A. reality   B. memory   C. desire   D. balance

16.A. ordered   B. warned   C. lent   D. gave

17.A. throw away   B. hold onto   C. waste   D. ruin

18.A. edge   B. corner   C. rest   D. beginning

19.A. unreal   B. useful   C. actual   D. available

20.A. grow   B. return   C. share   D. find

