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课外阅读:小说 Great Expectations 中,影响Pip成长的人物主要有:

A. Joe       B. Herbert     C. Estella       D. Magwitch           E. Havisham


1."Oh!Of course I have a heart that can be stabbed or shot,"said."And if it stops beating,I'll die.But you know what I mean.I have no softness,no sympathy,no feelings."

2.pulled me close to her and said with great passion,"Love her!Love her!If she likes you,love her!If she hurts you,love her!If she breaks your heart into pieces,love her!"

3."Well,we'll need a clerk in the office in Cairo.What about coming with me?”

"Thank you,,"I said."It's a very kind offer.But I'm afraid that I'm too worried at the moment to be able to make a decision.I'll think about it and let you know."

4.“My dear boy!” managed to say."You've never deserted me."

I pressed his hand.I remembered a time when I wanted to desert him.

5..One day when I was feeling better,I woke up and found a note on the table.It said,"I have gone home,Pip,because you are better again and don't need old

There was also a receipt for the payment of all my debts.

