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There's always hope

I was sitting around the other mo:ming thinking albout some of my former (以前的) students. When I do that, my thoughts always turn to Vincent.

Eighteen years ago, on the first day of third grade, when I had my class write something ahout themselves, he just sat there. So I took him outside to see what was wrong. “You can ______ about something else; anything you want,” I offered. He turned to me and shouted, “I can’t write!” and threw his pencil.

Vincent was difficult and ______. He acted out. He threw things. He refused to work, to be quiet, to sit down.

So these many years later, I wondered what he was up to. With time on my hands, I googled him and looked him up on Facebook and before long I found him. And after a few texts we agreed to meet. And he told me his ______.

Vincent knew he was smart, but he also knew he couldn’t do what other kids did. He had to move around and talk. For him, sitting still, listening and reading, didn't ______. The more he tried to do the mings on his terms, the more we forced him to do the things on our terms and the angrier he got. The angrier he got, the more trouble he got into.

In other words, we _______ him.

But he woulcln’t let me tell him that. He took full responsibility for his behavior. He remembered feeling ______ for acting out.

That ______me. Kids like Vincent are always angry about something; they hold the world responsible for the concequence(后果).

This story also had one of us tuming Vincent around. But none of us did that for him. There were no excellent teachers like Annie Sullivan or Jaime Escalante. That didn’t mean we didn’t________. I remember countless conversations, trying to understand him, goirtg to his Little League games.

It was Vincent who tumed Vincent around,along with a junkie (吸毒者) house painter he worked with after failing through high school. This guy clearly scared (惊吓) him straight; talked him into going to _______.

But it was Vincent who attended classes and got straight A’s for two years. And it was Vincent who got accepted into ten different universities, including Stanford and UW. And it was Vincent who landed a great job at a big tech company.

Vincent is completely different form 18 years ago. I coukln’t be happier for him.

And for me, the _______ is simple but powerful — there’s always hope.

1.A.talk      B.read     C.write     D.hear

2.A.angry     B.lazy     C.careless   D.disappointed

3.A.job       B.story     C.school    D.family

4.A.arnve     B.change    C.work     D.end

5.A.forgot     B.helped    C.freed     D.failed

6.A.proud     B.special   C.natural   D.terrilble

7.A.attracted   B.encouraged C.surprised  D.influenced

8.A.try       B.wait     C.leam     D.succeed

9.A.movies     B.business   C.college   D.sports

10.A.rule     B.memory    C.answer    D.message

