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1.He gets a good         (薪水), but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.  (新概念2)

2.If you          (犯下) a crime, you will surely get punishment.

3.We have an old musical          (乐器). It is called a clavichord..  (新概念2)

4.You’re doing so well in Mathematics! I really          (羡慕) you.

5.Mary’s parents _____________ (离婚) when she was six.

6.Scientists are very interested in e___________ (探索) space.

7.He is a g         boy and often shares his breakfast with his classmates.

8.The Asia Art Festival has p__________ understanding and friendship between Asian countries.

9.They are all e         in computer and surely know how to solve this kind of problem.

10.Chinese l____________ is a small box made of thin paper that you put a light inside as a decoration.

