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Steven knew he was a good but not great web designer and was about to go on an interview at a marketing firm in the city. He_________well and went over the checklist(备忘录) needed to make a good first_______. Seven was appointed the 3rd in the interview room and was waiting his_______

In the waiting room a gentleman entered and asked Steven “Are you_______ about the job interview?” Steven replied “No. I’m very confident. ” The man then asked him_______he was so confident. Steven then said that he had been_______ for quite some time now and _______ he was qualified for the job. The man was impressed with his answer and their_______ continued. Fifteen minutes passed before Steven was_______for the interview. The man thanked Steven and they________ phone numbers.

Steven did not get the job. He was a little________ but his spirits stayed________

A week later his cellphone________. The man replied “Hey it’s Tom, we’ve met at the Marketing Firm”. Steven remembered the interview and Tom________his deepest thanks for the conversation they had in the waiting room. Being ________, Steven asked “But how did I help you”? Tom replied, “You did not________ help me but you’ve answered a question I was asking________ for over 5 years ” Steven asked “What was it?” Tom answered “________… I had none. Your talk gave me confidence to ask this woman I’ve been dating for 5 years to________me” and she said “YES!!!” Without your words I would have never even asked and my life would be________ today. So I just wanted to call and say ‘thank you’ one million times.”

1.A. started   B. prepare   C. knew   D. spoke

2.A. decision   B. choice   C. experience   D. impression

3.A. turn   B. mark   C. job   D. boss

4.A. nervous   B. happy   C. sad   D. lonely

5.A. how   B. when   C. why   D. whether

6.A. studying   B. living   C. staying   D. standing

7.A. wondered   B. felt   C. decide   D. remembered

8.A. telephone   B. debate   C. explanation   D. conversation

9.A. called off   B. called for   C. called in   D. called on

10.A. exchange   B. took   C. found   D. dialed

11.A. impatient   B. disappointed   C. worried   D. relaxed

12.A. usual   B. low   C. silent   D. high

13.A. sounded   B. failed   C. rang   D. responded

14.A. expressed   B. accepted   C. received   D. deserved

15.A. careful   B. puzzle   C. fortunate   D. satisfied

16.A. probably   B. secretly   C. easily   D. directly

17.A. himself   B. yourself   C. myself   D. itself

18.A. Confidence   B. Appreciation   C. Success   D. Luck

19.A. refuse   B. marry   C. forgive   D. admire

20.A. smooth   B. innocent   C. convenient   D. different

