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People can be addicted to different things, for example, alcohol, drug, certain

foods, or etelevision. People who have such an addiction are being                    1.________

forced, because they have a very________(强大的) psychological need that they feel                 2.________

they must be s. According to psychologists, many people are forced                    3.________

spenders. They feel that they must spend money. This ________(力量), like most                  4. ________

others, is impossible to explain in a rway. For forced spenders who                   5.________

buy on credit, charge accounts are more ethan money                           6.________

In other ________, forced spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything.                 7.________

Their pleasure in________(花费) large amounts is actually greater than the                      8.________

pleasure that they get________the things they buy. They often spend money                       9.________

(with credit) in an unplanned________ , and the things they buy are not         10.________

always useful to them.

