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My six-year-old daughter Amara and I ducked into a shop to hide from the rain. I hadn't _________ on a trip to this place. But I figured we'd see what they had _________   we were there. I took my daughter’s hand and _________ around. Suddenly there was a  pull on my hand and my _________  was being directed to the  shoe section. I let go of her hand and she   _________ out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes.

“Buy me?”

“Oh, Sweetie, they are tap shoes. You aren't learning tap dance.”

“Buy me?” she _________ .

“Well, let’s try them on.”

She sat on the floor and _________  her rain boots, and easily slid the new shoes on. A perfect  _________ . When she stood up she heard “click”. She took a step. Click, Click. Slowly recognition dawned, as she made the _________ between the shoes and her moving feet. Click , Click , Click.

“Buy me?” with a  _________  look in her eyes.

“Okay, take them off and put them in the bag.”

The sun had come back out as we stepped out from our little side  _________ . When we were near the car, Amara reached for the bag. I gave it to her wondering what  _________  she was looking for. The shoes, of course.

I helped her wear the shoes. Our next stop was the grocery store and these shoes were made to make noise, _________  on my little girl’s feet. This could be _________  . Click, Click, Click — people turned to look. Click, Click, Click. I could feel the _________ stares of the proper people who would never allow their daughters to wear tap shoes to the grocery store. I held up my head with _________  .The “click, click, click” was _________  to my ears.

When Amara was a baby, we were told she would never walk or talk. It has_________ a lot of hard work and patience but she asked for the shoes and the “click, click, click” _________ she can walk. It doesn't matter   _________ others think. They don't walk in your shoes.

1.A. offered       B. promised         C. planned          D. changed

2.A. if           B. since         C. although        D. unless

3.A. wandered       B. showed         C. turned         D. played

4.A. thought       B. brain           C. focus           D. attention

5.A. handed       B. reached         C. took           D. picked

6.A. repeated       B. announced       C. claimed         D. responded

7.A. wore         B. sought         C. attached       D.removed

8.A. touch        B. sign           C. fit           D. move

9.A. connection     B. choice         C. determination    D. study

10.A. respectful     B. hopeful        C. painful         D. delightful

11.A. watch       B. path           C. view          D. trip

12.A. admiration      B. miracle         C. treasure         D. fortune

13.A. especially     B. generally        C. directly        D. approximately

14.A. humorous     B. interesting     C. ridiculous      D. amazing

15.A. disappointing   B. challenging      C. inspiring       D. disapproving

16.A. shame       B. hesitation       C. pride         D. sorrow

17.A. music       B. noise         C. credit        D. gratitude

18.A. called     B. taken         C. spent         D. lent

19.A. realizes     B. feels         C. says           D. appears

20.A. why          B. which         C. how           D. what

