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1.The history students hoped to compare the ________(文明) of ancient China and Japan.

2.What a ________(巧合)!I wasn't expecting to see you here.

3.Animals can become unusually ________(好斗的) when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.

4.The company has been ________(转变) from a family business to a multi­million­pound operation.

5.________(担着) with the necessities, we made it convenient for our travel.

6.Everyone in my office likes Smith, because he is very ________(灵活的) in dealing with relations.

7.The heating system in the hotel has an __________(自动的) temperature control.

8.It's __________(不合法的) to read other people's private letters without their permission.

9.It's a pity that there were only more than one hundred ________(幸存者) in the earthquake that happened in Lushan country.

10.In nature,there are lots of violent ______(现象) which man is still unable to deal with.

11.Countless people have made great ______(贡献) to the development of our nation.

12.Large quantities of money were ________(捐助) to the drought-hit areas in the south of China in the spring of 2010.

13.There are three ________ (候选人) standing in the election of the director.

14.Interest is the best teacher, so a lack of interest is a(n) ________ (保证) of failure.

15.A number of ________ (潜在的) buyers have expressed interest in the company and placed an order for some of its products.

