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“Stop that man!” Vernon shouted. “He has a bomb!” Everywhere, passengers were ____ their feet and screaming. Guerrero stopped with his ____ to the toilets. “___ away from me!” he shouted.

“Guerrero, listen to me!” Vernon ____ him over the heads of the others. There was a silence as Guerrero ____ back at him.

“We know who you are,” Vernon went on. “And we know ____ you' re trying to do. We know all about the insurance and the bomb. That ____ that the insurance is no ___. Do you understand? It's worth nothing. If you die you'll die for nothing and your family will get nothing. ___ than that, they'll be blamed and made to ____ . Think of that, Guerrero.”

Guerrero hesitated. Vernon kept talking and hoped that Guerrero would ___ him.

A man came out of one of the ____ behind Guerrero. At the ____ of the door opening, he ___.

“Get the guy with the case! He's got a bomb. ”  Somebody shouted.

Guerrero ____ past the man and ran into the toilet. He had not really understood ____ that had happened in the last few minutes, but he understood that, ___ so many things in his life, his great plan had ___. His life had been a failure, and now his ____ would be a failure too.

As he pulled the string(导火索), he wondered ____whether the bomb would be another failure. In the last second of his life he learned that it was not.

1.A. running over   B. jumping over   C. running to   D. jumping to

2.A. back   B. body   C. side   D. face

3.A. Walk   B. Take   C. Stay   D. Put

4.A. cried out   B. called to   C. shouted at   D. spoke against

5.A. stared   B. fought   C. talked   D. hit

6.A. that   B. what   C. how   D. when

7.A. tells   B. explains   C. means   D. expresses

8.A. harm   B. good   C. value   D. profit

9.A. Sooner   B. Better   C. Rather   D. Worse

10.A. suffer   B. worry   C. argue   D. fight

11.A. hear   B. listen to   C. see   D. look at

12.A. toilets   B. kitchens   C. seats   D. passages

13.A. movement   B. sight   C. sign   D. sound

14.A. hid   B. fell   C. turned   D. rolled

15.A. pushed   B. walked   C. rushed   D. hurried

16.A. everything   B. anything   C. nothing   D. something

17.A. unless   B. after   C. like   D. as

18.A. lost   B. broken   C. failed   D. removed

19.A. power   B. life   C. plan   D. death

20.A. proudly   B. bitterly   C. excitedly   D. curiously

