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March 8 marks the annual International Women’s Day. Around the world, women usually played an unnoticeable role in history. They were often buried with their unknown talents and 1. (amaze) tales. Yet there are still some lucky ones 2. stories have been recorded.

Li Qingzhao is one of them. 3. (praise) as the “No. 1 talented woman”, Li Qingzhao, a poet from the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 ),was born in Shandong Province.

She was good at poetry, ink painting and calligraphy(书法), and 4. she was most well-known for was her poems, which 5. (divide) into two contrasting styles reflecting her life as a married woman and a widow. Before her husband Zhao Mingcheng’s 6. (die), her poems were 7. (main) about a carefree and happy life. The keynote turned into a tragic tune after Zhao passed away.

8. ,Li was not a narrow-minded woman. Apart 9. expressing feelings and experiences of women, she also wrote poems praising war 10. (hero) and criticizing the corrupt and weak emperor and royals. One of her most famous poems is “Born as an outstanding soul, even die as a hero among spirits”.

As an example of female patriot, Li has a great effect on modem women literature.

