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One day I went to the local store. After I gathered up my goodies, I headed for the checkout counter only to be ______ in the narrow aisle by a young man that appeared to be about sixteen years old. I wasn't in a hurry, so I _______waited for the boy to realize that I was there…

This was when he_______ his hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, “Mommy,I’m over here. ”It was _______now, he was, mentally challenged. As he ________ and saw me waiting to squeeze by, his eyes widened and______ exploded on his face as I said, “Hey Buddy, what's your name?”“My name is Denny and I'm _________with my mother. ” he responded proudly. “How old are you Denny? ” “How old am I now Mommy?” he_______ his mother as she slowly came over from the next aisle.“You're fifteen-year-old Denny; now be a _______ boy and let the man pass by. ”I acknowledged her and ______ to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer, bicycles and school. I watched his brown eyes_____with excitement _______he was the center of someone’s ______. He then abruptly turned and headed toward the toy section.

Denny's mom had a puzzled look on her face and _______ me for taking the time to talk with her son. She told me that most people wouldn't even ______him, much less talk to him. I told her that it was my _______ and then I said something I have no idea where it came from.

I told her that there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God's garden, _______, "Blue Roses"are very ________ and should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness(独特) . You see, Denny is a “Blue Rose” and if someone doesn''t_________ and smell that rose with their heart and touch that rose with their kindness, then they've missed a ______ from God.

1.A. caught B. followed C. blocked D. served

2.A. patiently B. anxiously C. carefully D. naturally

3.A. put B. held C. crossed D. waved

4.A. impossible B. obvious C. strange D. funny

5.A. turned B. stood C. answered D. shouted

6.A. joy B. pride C. surprise D. terror

7.A. walking B. learning C. exercising D. shopping

8.A. reminded B. asked C. noticed D. passed

9.A. good B. clever C. normal D. quiet

10.A. tried B. failed C. planned D. continued

11.A. widen B. shut C. dance D. open

12.A. when B. because C. although D. once

13.A. attention B. laughter C. amusement D. sympathy

14.A. approached B. thanked C. rewarded D. praised

15.A. look at B. share hands with C. take care of D. learn about

16.A. job B. duty C. sense D. pleasure

17.A. besides B. therefore C. however D. still

18.A. common B. rare C. fresh D. expensive

19.A. act B. care C. know D. stop

20.A. warning B. message C. blessing D. sign

