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Listed below are the stories of women you may not know about, but definitely should.

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr starred in many films. But her film career is far from her only noteworthy achievement; she was also a brilliant inventor. In 1942, she and composer George Antheil received a patent(专利)for a device that could change radio signal frequencies. The purpose of the technology was to keep military enemies from figuring out messages. But it did more than that - it laid a foundation for the wireless technology we use today.

Maria Sibylla Merian

Today, children can happily explain how a caterpillar(毛虫) tums into a butterfly. But there was a time when no one knew this. Until the 1670s, scientists thought that caterpillars and butterflies were two totally different creatures. Thanks to Maria, we know the truth about these beautiful winged insects. Fascinated by insects, she began collecting, studying and drawing them as a child. It was through her study of caterpillars that she discovered the truth about their life cycles. She published two volumes of naturalist research, which provide major contributions to the field of entomology(昆虫学).

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace, the daughter of celebrated British poet Lord Byron, wasn’t a poet herself but the world’s first computer programmer. We think of computers as a recent invention, but people were toying with the idea of “computing machines” in the mid – 19th century when Lovelace was alive. Lovelace’s mathematical genius was apparent at a young age and caught the attention of Cambridge professor Charles Babbage, who was working to design early computing machines that would be able to quickly solve math problems. Lovelace wrote some suggestions as to how to program the machines to work out numbers.

In addition to designing this early computer program, she was also the first to surest that these computers might be able to do more than compute. She imagined them doing almost everything, from producing images to composing music.

1.What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. The technology.   B. The patent.

C. The device.   D. The film career.

2.Before Maria’s discovery, people thought that     .

A. a butterfly was insect without wings

B. a butterfly was turned from a caterpillar

C. a caterpillar had nothing to do with a butterfly

D. a caterpillar and a butterfly were insects of a kind

3.What can we learn about Ada Lovelace from the text?

A. She possessed literary talent just like her father.

B. She foresaw various function& of the computer.

C. She received education in Cambridge University.

D. She is considered to have invented the computer.

4.What did the three women have in common?

A. They discovered priceless things existing in nature.

B. They were entirely devoted to women’s rights.

C. They were expert at information technology.

D. They made great contributions to science.

