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Margie was the best hostess. She greeted everyone at the door, and she _____ candies and offered drinks. Margie _____ that everyone had a good time and that absolutely everything was _____ . But this was not Margie’s party. She was a _____  at the party like everyone else, and yet she acted as if she owned the _____ . She wants to be _____  and needs to be in control. I used to be like Margie, _____  to control the uncontrollable. I felt _____ the feelings and actions of the people around me. My body ached due to the weight I put on my own _____ .

One day while I was out with a friend, I realized how far my desire for _____  had gotten. As I talked to my friend, a stranger’s towel was blown away. I _____ in vain for the towel. My friend called me on it and I _____  realized the extent (程度) my sense of responsibility had gotten. Realizing I was _____  living my life, I had to make a(n) _____ .

If we turn to _____ ,we see that it does not fight for control. A stream does not try to _____  its own course; water simply flows the path of least resistance (阻力). A _____  does not create an exact flight plan; a plane trusts its inner guidance system and adapts _____ to new wind currents (气流).

Next time you try to control the uncontrollable, take a breath. ____  and wait. You will find things can be better, with less effort, and in _____ ways you could not have imagined. And you will find a love of life again.

1.A. bought   B. produced   C. collected   D. passed

2.A. admitted   B. remembered   C. ensured   D. recognized

3.A. perfect   B. different   C. convenient   D. cheap

4.A. customer   B. guest   C. servant   D. neighbor

5.A. place   B. company   C. team   D. land

6.A. in secret   B. in time   C. in order   D. in charge

7.A. helping   B. agreeing   C. trying   D. learning

8.A. angry about   B. responsible for   C. content with   D. sensitive to

9.A. shoulders   B. sides   C. dreams   D. feet

10.A. energy   B. wealth   C. happiness   D. control

11.A. asked   B. begged   C. rushed   D. waited

12.A. finally   B. frequently   C. totally   D. unfortunately

13.A. often   B. nearly   C. just   D. seldom

14.A. change   B. promise   C. order   D. report

15.A. money   B. space   C. nature   D. society

16.A. carry   B. offer   C. invite   D. direct

17.A. train   B. tree   C. bird   D. plane

18.A. suddenly   B. eventually   C. possibly   D. easily

19.A. Struggle   B. Relax   C. Return   D. Decide

20.A. interesting   B. amazing   C. exciting   D. confusing

