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Author Avi, winner of a Newbery Award, a Scott O’Dell Historical Fiction Award, and several Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, may have seen his first children’s book published in 1970, but that doesn’t mean he’s lost his talent for connecting with young fans.

The American writer, born in 1937, agrees that getting involved with his readers is one of the key reasons he keeps writing, and that he’s been fortunate enough to hear directly from readers about the impact (影响) his books have had. “I have been touched many times by readers who find some special connection between their lives and something I have written: the Danish girl who read something of mine in Danish, and struggled to communicate that in her poor English; the autistic (自闭症的) boy who somehow found something meaningful about my books that reached his own inner life; the women who have told me how important The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle was to them when growing up.”

Beyond his fans’ questions about the characters he’s created, the writer’s most commonly heard question may be about his own use of the single name “Avi.” “As a young adult, I was a reader of French literature, which has that one name tradition: Moliere, Racine, Anouilh, Gide, and so on,” he explains. “Avi was given to me by my twin sister when we were very young children, and it stuck. Then my family discouraged me from taking up writing as a career because they considered my writing poor. By using Avi, I was showing my determination to them.”

Although he believes-and has the awards to show-that his writing skills have improved, writing still doesn’t come easily to him, despite having over sixty books to his credit. “I never studied writing in any formal sense. I taught myself to write by reading, and by imitating what I was reading,” he says.

The writing task may be tough, but the payoff is big. “To create, share, and support the gift of reading and literature, is to give young people the gift of many worlds, within and without,” Avi states.

1.What do the readers mentioned by Avi have in common?

A. They often seek help from him.

B. They can find themselves in his books.

C. They have been influenced by his works.

D. They have offered helpful suggestions to him.

2.What’s the main reason why author Avi uses the name Avi?

A. It was given to him by his parents.

B. It is used in memory of his sisters.

C. It encourages him to achieve his dream.

D. It is the name of one of his favorite characters.

3.What do we learn about Avi from the text?

A. He is a self-made writer.

B. He often sends his readers gifts.

C. He considers writing an easy job.

D. He is against copying other writers’ styles.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. How Avi looks at his fans.

B. Some important book awards.

C. How Avi improves his writing skills.

D. A popular writer among young readers.

