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Radio newsreaders and television hosts at Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE are mostly up in arms at being told to pronounce words according to the Queen’s English.

A report in The Irish Sun newspaper says that RTE’s workers have been given an A-Z style guide of words which instructs them on how to pronounce certain words in an effort to make sure they are clearly understood. The A-Z comes with videos containing lessons of how to “properly” pronounce the “problem” words. An official at RTE told the Irish Sun that producers gave the guide to keep up standards. “The guide is there for anyone who needs it.” he said, “RTE often get letters from the public over how certain words were mispronounced. The word ‘issue’ is a big one at the moment, people don’t like how it’s pronounced. There is an expectation that as the national broadcaster we are correct.”

However, Irish linguistics expert Professor Raymond Hickey, who took the side of most of the radio newsreaders and TV hosts, called the RTE’s actions “internalized colonialism (内化殖民主义)”. He expressed his disbelief that Irish speakers were being asked to use words with an English accent. He said: “The basic problem is RTE expects its workers to speak as if they were English. Why? We have our own form of English, which is different but fully reasonable and accepted worldwide.” Professor Hickey specially talked of some examples of the words Irish hosts are being asked to pronounce with a British English accent. He said: “The Irish don’t pronounce the TH [in ‘birthday’] as a fricative, but as a stop with no breath…. The same is true of ‘news’ — the Irish pronunciation is and always has been ‘nooze’.”

1.When told to speak the Queen’s English, RTE’s workers showed great ________.

A. anger

B. interest

C. curiosity

D. disappointment

2.RTE provides its workers with an A—Z style guide in order to ________.

A. instruct them to pronounce clearly

B. keep up pronunciation standards

C. meet their work demands

D. make sure that the public are correct

3.What’s the official’s in s intension of mentioning the letters from the public?

A. To warm the national broadcaster of the mispronunciation.

B. To show how “problem” words are mispronounced.

C. To explain why RTE take the actions.

D. To prove the public are believable.

4.According to Professor Raymond Hickey, the RTE’s actions ________.

A. are reasonable and acceptable

B. are impractical and foolish

C. will win the Irish trust

D. make no sense

