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Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat,such as adding more fresh fruit and vegetables,and cutting back on foods that have lots of fat, salt and sugar. Healthy eating will help you feel your best and give you plenty of energy.It can help you deal with stress better.

However,healthy eating isn’t a diet . If you eat too little when you diet, you may eat more after you stop dieting. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is very satisfying. And if you match that with more exercise, you may be able to have a healthier weight.

What can you do to make healthy eating habit?

First, think about your reasons for heathier eating. Do you want to improve your health?Do you want to feel better?

Next, think about small changes that you can make. Then set some goals and go for them.

Set an easy goal you can reach.,like having a piece of fruit each day.

Set a long-term(长远的)goal too, such as having one meal not including meat or fish every week.What’s more, having help from others is important . After you get more help, it’ll be easier for you to make changes. Have family and friends help you make meals and give you  useful advice on healthy cooking .

If you need more help, talk to your doctor or look online for groups that care about healthy eating and tell success stories .

1.The underline part “cutting back on” means “ _____” in Chinese.

A. 制造        B.销毁       C.减少         D. 增加

2.The second paragagh is mainly about _______.

A. how to eat healthily

B. how to lose weight

C.the advantages of eating and dieting

D.the difference between healthy eating and dieting

3.The writer advises people to __________.

① go on a diet     ② do more exercise

③ set  some goals   ④ make big changes first

A. ① ④     B. ① ②     C. ③④       D.② ③

4. The writer mentions people can get help from the following EXCEPT

A. friends     B. TV programs

C. doctors     D. the Internet

5.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Healthy cooking       B.Healthy eating

C. Ways to set goals      D. Ways to lose weight

