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The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HZMB),a 55-kilometre bridge-tunnel system,1.  (consist)of a series of three cable-stayed bridges,an undersea tunnel,and four artificial islands.It is both the longest sea crossing and the longest fixed link on earth,another  2. (significance)project.The HZMB,3. connects Hong Kong,Macau,and Zhuhai-three major cities on the Pearl River Delta,crosses the Lingding and Jiuzhou channel.

The HZMB designed 4. (1ast)for 120 years was built with a cost of 126.9 billion yuan(US $18.77 billion).The cost of 5. (construct)the Main Bridge was estimated 6. 51.1 billion yuan(US $7.56 billion)shared among the governments of mainland China,Hong Kong and Macau.

7. (initial)set to be opened to traffic in late 2016,the structure was finally completed on 6 February 2018 and 8. (journalist)were subsequently given rides over the bridge.On 24 October 2018,the HZMB was opened to 9. public after its opening ceremony a day 10. (early)by Xi Jinping,General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.

