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How to Run for Student Council

So you want to run for student council, but aren’t quite sure how to get started? Here are some tips that might help you:

1. Have a good reason for running. Before you run for student council, make sure that you have the correct reasons for it. Some good reasons include you would sincerely like to serve your class and contribute a lot to the student body. 1. Having a healthy reason for running will give you the positive energy and drive you will need to do your best during your campaign.

2. 2. Remember, the campaign is not the end result of running for student council. You should know the responsibilities and tasks you will face once you have the position to make sure that you are indeed ready for it.

3. Know the rules. Campaign rules typically differ from one school to another. 3. You have to follow school campaign rules and make sure that you are able to meet the basic requirements for candidates.

4. Have a certain policy you want to advocate. Make sure that this policy is indeed important for the student body and will bring about positive change. Also, your opinion should indeed be attainable and realistic. 4. You can even make your slogan out of your opinion and design your campaign posters based on it.

5. Practice good manners. How you conduct yourself during the campaign is a reflection of your leadership and morality (品行) 5. Maintain an attitude of respect to everybody一whether they’re on your side of the campaign or not.

If you truly want to be elected into the student council, give your campaign 100% of your effort. Good luck!

A. There are expenses involved with running a campaign.

B. Know the positions and the basic responsibilities for them.

C. Don’t run for student council just because you want the attention.

D. Associate yourself with it so that your classmates will remember you.

E. Therefore, you’d better know what is required and have an adviser to consult.

F. Avoid bad-mouthing other candidates or destroying others’ campaign materials.

G. Think about the words that best describe you and your advantages over the other candidates.

