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Great news! TIME for Kids gets ready for you back to school! Subscribe today, and you can get full new features as follows when they are published.

A subscription to TIME for Kids includes the following:

●Weekly print magazine for each student, along with print teaching materials

●Teacher and student access to the digital magazine, including archived(存档的) content and stories and features not included in the print magazine

●Key articles available at two reading levels; select articles available at three reading levels

●Digital magazine including key articles with full Spanish translation, read-aloud, and provided vocabulary support

●Lesson plans and teaching materials for each issue, including reading assessments

●Access to the TIME Tour, which offers 90+ years of TIME magazine content—every cover, article, and advertisement

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If you are interested in purchasing a subscription to TIME for Kids for your students but are struggling with funding, you may be supported by additional funding from government programs.

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To request any issues that you might have missed during back-to-school, please call 800-777-8600.

1.If we subscribe TIME for Kids, we can have the advantage to gain ________.

A. a Spanish—Spanish digital magazine

B. 90+ years’ previous TIME for Kids

C. key articles at three reading levels

D. the print as well as the digital magazines

2.How much should be paid for 500 subscriptions?

A. $2,250.   B. $2.365.   C. $2,475.   D. $2,500.

3.Where does the text probably come from?

A. A science magazine.   B. An education website.

C. An amusement newspaper.   D. A tour guide.

