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In the far,far future,bicycles and perhaps skates may be run by jet power,and a new thing to ride may be a small flying saucer(飞碟).Imagine a race between them!

There may be telepathy helmets(心灵感应帽)that send thought waves from your brain to that of your friend miles away.You just think a thought and your friend knows it!You can have secrets with each other that nobody else can turn in on!

What about the food of the future?Scientists think.that much of it will be artificial—made in factories from such surprising things as coal,limestone,air,and water.The artificial food will be healthful because all the things that you need to live a long and healthy life will be put into it.

The future hospitals will probably have "body banks" that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on living.People of the future may live to be a lot older than 100 years.

What about highways of the future?Well,a very small child probably will be able to drive a car.Nobody will need to steer(驾驶).Electric signals will hold each car on the right road to get wherever the "driver" wants to go. And it probably will be impossible for cars to smash together.Controls that won't even have to be touched will make all speeding cars miss each other or will put on the brakes.Driving cars will be as safe as being at home.

But maybe the most wonderful surprise in the future will be weather control.Cities may have giant plastic domes(圆顶罩)over them to keep out snow,rain,or storms.When you plan a picnic in a park,you won't have to worry about rain.It will rain only when the "weatherman" thinks it is necessary to fresh the air inside the city.All other days will be fair and warm.

The future should be a wonderful time in which to live and the time we are living in now is also a wonderful future to the people who lived 100 years ago.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. With telepathy helmets,we can share our thoughts without any word.

B. The artificial food made from coal and limestone tastes the most delicious in the future.

C. There will be “body banks” instead of hospitals in the future.

D. Plastic domes themselves can automatically control the weather.

2.With the future highways,_______.

A. small children have to learn to drive

B. car accidents still couldn't be avoided

C. we can be taken to the destination without steering

D. cars will be no longer equipped with brakes

3.The author's attitude towards the future life is_______.

A. optimistic   B. pessimistic

C. satisfied   D. doubtful

