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1.She was rewarded for her 40 years’ f_________ service with the company.

2.The way in which we work has undergone a complete _________ (a total change in something, a revolution)in the past decade.

3.He strongly believes that there must be a physical explanation for these strange _________(现象).

4.My eyes slowly grew _________(familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual) to the dark.

5.The police said that the accident deserved further investigation as the c_________ surrounding it were incredibly strange.

6.There is w__________ and growing acceptance that women should be equal to men at work.

7.We cannot _________ (to promise something will happen) our flights will never be delayed.

8.Our research attempts to ________ (assess) the effectiveness of the different drugs.

9.As a patriot, she is bitterly o_________ to the idea of moving abroad.

10.It was so _________(令人难为情) having to sing in public.

11.The prisoners made an a_________ to escape, but failed.

12.There is convincing _________(证据) of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

13.Our school is e_________ with some teaching facilities.

14.She made an _________(预约) for her son to see the doctor.

15.Her position in the party has _________(to become stronger) in recent weeks.

16.Nowadays many companies adopt the approach of f_________ working hours so that the workers can manage their own time more effectively.

17.Colors like red c_________ a sense of energy and strength.

18.They are trying to keep the costs to a _________(最低限度).

19.Breathing is an _________ (done or happening without thinking) function of the body.

20.It was a c_________ that he was born on his mother’s birthday.

