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Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist and the inventor of dynamite(炸药).When he died in 1986.he left behind a fortune of about US $ 9 million In his will.he stated how to spend the money .Most of it was used to set up the world famous Nobel Prize.

Nobel said in his' will that the prizes should honour the most important discoveries or inventions in physics,chemistry, medicine and the most outstanding works in literature(文学).

Since 1901,Nobel Prizes have been presented to the winners on 10. December, the anniversary (周年纪念日)of Alfred Nobel's death.At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall,the King of Sweden gives each winner a diploma(证书)and a medal.The winners give lectures before the award ceremony,and make speeches when they receive their awards.

The award ceremony is followed by a splendid dinner for about 1,300 people.Among the guests of honour are the Nobel Prize winners and their families,the King and the Queen of Sweden,and many well known leaders in sciences and culture.Two hundred and fifty young students are also honour with invitations to attend the event.

In 2015,Tu Yoouyou, a Chinese chemist, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.Tu isthe first Chinese Nobel winner in medicine and the first female citizen of the People Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize.Tu Youyou was born and educated and carried out research in China all the time.

1.Which of the following people is unable to get the Nobel prizes?

A. A physicist   B. A writer   C. A doctor   D. A dancer

2.What does the underline word“ceremony”mean?

A. 仪式   B. 晚宴   C. 奖金   D. 演唱会

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Alfred Nobel was a Swiss chemist and the inventor of dynamite.

B. The winners of Nobel Prizes get a diploma and a medal from the King of Sweden.

C. The winners of Nobel Prizes only give lectures before the award ceremony.

D. Tu Youyou who is a Chinese chemist is the first Chinese Nobel Prizes winner.

4.What is the best title for this article?

A. Alfred Nobel   B. The Nobel Prizes

C. Tu Youyou   D. The prize winner

