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When I saw a big handmade signboard “Welcome Yuxin” at the airport, I knew I had found a caring family at the other side of the world – the United States.

My host mom had already decorated (装饰) my room for me. There was a doll on one side of the room, and a bookcase full of books on the other – they had heard I loved reading. Mom had also prepared a keyboard for me, since she knew that I played the piano.

My life in the family did not go so well at first. Because I am the only child in my family in China, I was not used to having two younger kids – Zachary and Grace – running around me yelling (大喊大叫) all the time.

Mom had a serious talk with me about this problem on a Sunday afternoon. She told me: “You can’t just come home from school every day, go to your room and do your homework. You need to be part of this family. You need to play with my kids for at least an hour.” This rule was very annoying (烦人的) at first. I did not have much experience playing with children.

However, the more time I spent with the kids, the more I grew to love them. We played games and read books together. I even taught them Chinese. Thanks to Mom’s rule, I began to feel like I was really part of the family.

Mom also inspired (启发) me to live a healthier life. She got up early every morning to go running. On weekends, she took the whole family to visit parks or go camping.

I did not like sports much when I was back home, but now I love to join all kinds of sports. I am healthier and more confident too.

With my American family, I found joy and laughter. I learned to live with energy and optimism (乐观) thanks to the care and responsibility of my loving American parents.

1.From Paragraph 2, we can see that _______.

A. the host mom was good at decorating rooms

B. Yuxin was fond of American dolls

C. the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at home

D. Yuxin kept busy with a lot of hobbies

2.What led Yuxin to feel like she was really part of the family?

A. Yuxin’s talks with her host parents.

B. Having to join in sports with the family.

C. The host mom’s rule about playing with the kids.

D. Enjoying weekends with the host family.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Yuxin’s life with her American host family went very smoothly from the beginning.

B. The host mom cared about Yuxin’s overall development.

C. The host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at all.

D. Yuxin didn’t notice what the host family did for her.

