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Not long ago, a good friend of mine asked me to help him in a halfway house in Nashville. I agreed and made my way there one evening.

When I got there, I sat with my friend and talked about how he ended up there. As we talked, another man came up, lighting up his cigarette as he sat down. He had dark, leather skin, and looked like he had endured the sun, the rain, and the wind for long, long time. I couldn’t tell how old he was, but I was sure that he was younger than he looked.

Through a bit of conversation, I found out that he had been on the streets for many, many years.

Without my asking, he started describing life as a homeless man. How he got food; how he stayed warm; how he got money. And he told me something that caught my attention.

He said, “You want to know how I keep my stuff safe at night?”

“Sure, “ I replied.

“I put it up in the trees.”

“Why is it safe in the trees?” I asked.

“The homeless are always looking for treasure on the ground--- coins, something someone’s dropped, half-smoked cigarettes. I know if I put my stuff in the trees, they’ll never find it because they never look up. Never. “

Profound words from an unexpected place. And his message is for all of us.

We all have our particular search. We’re looking for treasure on this earth. But what we are REALLY looking for is right there above us. There’s really nothing we need on the ground.

In fact, it’s surrounding us.

1.What did the author go to Nashville for?

A. To help his friend.   B. To build a halfway house.

C. To visit a stranger.   D. To pick up a homeless man.

2.The underlined word “endured” in Paragraph 2 means _________ .

A. Enjoyed   B. shared

C. Suffered   D. expected

3.The homeless man hid his things in the trees because________.

A. nobody could climb up the trees   B. there was a hole in the tree

C. The leaves of the trees were thick   D. the homeless never looked up

4.From what the homeless man said, the author learned that________.

A. We should look up for treasure in future

B. What we’re looking for is just by our side

C. There’s really nothing we need on the ground

D. It is wrong to look for treasure on the ground

