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Many people think that romance will disappear little by little as couples grow older, but a heartbreaking video of an elderly man singing to his dying wife shows that for some, love lasts a life time.

The video was uploaded to Facebook by the pair's  granddaughter  Erin  Solari.  In  the  video 92-year-old Howard is singing to his dying wife, 93-year-old Laura, with the 1940s love song "You'll Never Know".

"I love you.., always love," Laura, who is seriously ill, tells her husband in the video--before asking him to "take good care of yourself" when she's gone.

Howard then continues to sing to his wife: "You' 11 never know just how much I miss you. You'll never know just how much I care. You'll never know just how much I love you." "Isn't your grandfather lovely?" Laura says to her granddaughter, who is filming the moving moment on her phone in the hospital room.

Erin originally posted the video to her Facebook page on September 12, 2015, and it has since earned more than 3.6 million views. On her Facebook, Erin wrote down details of her grandparents' inspiring relationship. She said Howard chose to sing "You' 11 Never Know" to his wife because "the song comforted her when he went away to fight in World War II." "Their love story has moved hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world," said Erin.

1. Where did Erin Solari record the video?

A. In Laura' s house.

B. At her home.

C. At the hospital

D. On the way to the hospital.

2.Why did Howard sing "You' 11 Never Know" when Laura was dying?

A. To ask for her forgiveness.

B. To let her feel less painful.

C. To remind her of the past.

D. To give her some comfort.

3.What result does the video make?

A. It moves a lot of people.

B. Solari receives many letters.

C. It helps Solari earn some money.

D. It will be filmed into a movie.

