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The Secret Behind a Great Person

A long time ago I watched a video of Josh Groban singing Vincent. It was a beautiful song and I loved it. I got interested in what the song is about.

The song is about a 19th­century Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh. 1. Unfortunately, he didn’t enjoy all the fame and wealth that his paintings should have brought him. He died when he was only 37 years old.

At that time only a few people knew his work and even fewer appreciated it.   2.  For years he had mental illness. He only sold one painting in his lifetime and badly needed financial support.

Even so, he still managed to create lots of great paintings. What was it that made it possible? The answer is that he had a strong supporter, his younger brother Theo. Theo supported Vincent financially, but more importantly, he continued to believe in his brother no matter what happened.     3.  I think it’s safe to say that Vincent was able to become a great artist because of this unfailing support from his brother.

There is an important lesson here: never underestimate (低估) the value of a supporter. Having someone who believes in you through the difficulties makes a big difference.   4. You might not realize it, but much of what you have achieved is most likely because of your supporters.

A. If you have such a supporter, express thanks to him.

B. Moreover, he went through many difficulties in his life.

C. His letters to Vincent were full of praise and encouragement.

D. His paintings are among the most famous and expensive in the world.

