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Confidence Comes From Treating Others As Equals

There's been recent discussion over Chinese attitudes toward foreigners,caused by another quarrel between a foreigner and a taxi driver.According to the studies described in the Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology,Chinese have lower self﹣confidence compared to Westerners.Yet does the result still apply to the Chinese people today?

Yes and no.For the moment,different attitudes toward foreigners can still be found in China's society,with some displaying low self﹣confidence like "Foreigners are awesome (令人敬畏的),and Western countries are awesome.We should respect them and be as polite as possible,and shouldn't let them look down on us," and a few unfriendly opinions such as "Some foreigners are rude and disrespectful,and their level of civility (礼貌) is far behind China."

Chinese used to be lacking in self﹣confidence.It might start from the modern history,after the failure in the Opium wars,and the following humiliation (耻辱) of being bullied (被欺负) and brought to their knees by Western guns.And the dark history is still to some extent affecting our mentality (心态) today.

For some time,the Western world represents the best of everything in some Chinese eyes.But our state of mind is gradually changing.When asked "What makes you feel proud of your country?" in school classes in China,answers vary from the World Expo to the Olympic Games,from athletes to astronauts,from the mushrooming skyscrapers to busy metropolises,which have all filled us with growing self﹣confidence.

While answering the question "Since China is so good today and Chinese people are more confident,why are an increasing number of Chinese emigrating abroad?" Zhang Weiwei,a professor at Fudan University,replied that at least 70 percent of Chinese migrants (移民) become more patriotic (爱国的) after leaving their home country,no matter whether they have become a naturalized citizen of another nation or not.Such result and experiences are much more convincing and have better effect than dozens of  "patriotic education" classes.

There is no reason for us not to be self﹣confident.We live in the world's second﹣largest economy.Chinese net financial assets per capita (人均纯金融资产) and the purchasing power of people have seen a sharp rise,with more and more people starting to purchase works of art,instead of only necessities.These all indicate a rising standard of life and self﹣confidence.

Nevertheless,the point of the changing attitudes toward ourselves or other countries is not realizing other nations are better or worse than China,but treating them like how we treat our fellow Chinese.That is what confidence means,not being condescending (屈尊),not worshiping,but looking each other in the eye with trust and respect.

1.According to the text,what are the Chinese attitudes toward foreigners today?

A. They have various attitudes toward foreigners.

B. They think the foreigners are always rude.

C. They always speak highly of the foreigners.

D. They believe foreigners are just common people.

2.Chinese used to lack self﹣confidence because  

A. They thought the foreigners were mysterious.

B. They used to think themselves less powerful.

C. They were deeply influenced by the dark history.

D. They once believed foreigners were awesome.

3.According to Zhang Weiwei,most Chinese migrants  

A. desire to be a citizen of another nation

B. develop a stronger love for their home country

C. are unwilling to return to their motherland

D. serve as bad examples in patriotic education

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Chinese should be proud of the great achievement of their country.

B. Chinese have enough confidence to make greater progress.

C. Chinese have a lower self﹣confidence faced with foreigners.

D. Chinese should be confident and take the foreigners as equals.

