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Last summer, I had just enough money saved to buy a golden ticket﹣a 3﹣month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe. Excited for my journey, I _______ all the necessary stuff﹣_______ the guidebook.

While the _______ of the Internet was definitely a _______ factor to my decision, this was not the only reason I decided to fly _______.

To be honest, I find the guidebook_______ a journey﹣like a bossy aunt who is always telling you what to do,_______ she doesn't always know what's best._______ has taught me that there is a clear _______ between a tourist and a traveler.

While waiting in a queue to see Michelangelo's Statue of David in Florence, I met a man who showed me his _______ of "Top 20 Things to do in Italy" and told us _______ that he'd "seen" everything Italy has to _______ in just four days.

The problem I had with this man's way of _______ was that he was too focused on _______ the boxes provided by his guidebook. He was _______ in the so﹣called "must﹣sees" and blind to all that was happening somewhere else.

So, guidebook﹣less as we were, my companion and I traveled to Estonia. Arriving for no good reason, we had no option but to _______ some friendly faces for advice. We _______ ourselves and asked them what was happening around town. When this resulted in an _______ to a beautiful Estonian home by a river where we enjoyed a 110﹣degree wood﹣stove sauna(桑拿),_______ picked forest﹣mushrooms and the good _______ of our five new﹣found Estonian friends, we sure were glad we had left our bossy aunt at home.

1.A. loaded B. collected C. packed D. selected

2.A. except B. with C. including D. besides

3.A. competence B. convenience C. instance D. performance

4.A. demanding B. contributing C. striking D. thrilling

5.A. around B. away C. abroad D. alone

6.A. limits B. influences C. confuses D. encourages

7.A. in case B. as though C. even though D. if only

8.A. Regulation B. Communication C. Intelligence D. Experience

9.A. relationship B. connection C. similarity D. distinction

10.A. list B. book C. file D. summary

11.A. loudly B. positively C. proudly D. happily

12.A. recommend B. offer C. discover D. order

13.A. traveling B. planning C. preparing D. drafting

14.A. counting B. following C. drawing D. ticking

15.A. involved B. interested C. lost D. engaged

16.A. approach B. grab C. spot D. seize

17.A. presented B. helped C. introduced D. forced

18.A. application B. access C. entrance D. invitation

19.A. skillfully B. randomly C. joyfully D. locally

20.A. quality B. company C. possession D. advice

