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“Billy! It is February 25, 2099, seven o’clock. Time to ____ and go to school.” said the clock-robot _____ a mental voice. Then the kitchen-robot gave him toast and eggs. Billy was _____. While he was eating, the whole wall ____ a TV screen and Billy thought that it was great having robots to do ____ for him. Billy ate his meal watching a TV _____. When he finished eating, the ____ gave him his clothes very fast and ____ him. Then Billy went off to school.

When Billy went outside, he saw a car with no ____ waiting for him. The car said, “Hello, I will be _____ you to school every day. Now would you please _____ your school ID card?” said the car. So Billy showed the car his school ID card and got in. The ______ began to talk to Billy about his school and his schoolwork. After that the car said, “I will ____ your homework today _____ you will have a very, very important lesson to _____ in school today. Please put your homework on the blackboard.” Billy did so.

The car checked Billy’s homework and then said, “You are a(n) _____ student. All of your homework is _____.”When they _____ the school, Billy said to the car, “Goodbye. See you later.” The car said to Billy, “Good luck in your school.” Billy got into the classroom and _____  his seat at the front of the room. Then his teacher came in and said, “Welcome, children! Today we will have a hard but _____ lesson — ‘How do robots help a human being?’...”

1.A. get up      B. show up     C. take up      D. dress up

2.A. in        B. on         C. with       D. by

3.A. angry      B. amazed      C. worried     D. quick

4.A. changed for   B. became of     C. looked like    D. turned into

5.A. something   B. anything     C. everything    D. nothing

6.A. show      B. screen       C. set        D. box

7.A. driver-robot  B. clock-robot    C. kitchen-robot   D. clothes-robot

8.A. dressed     B. cleaned      C. pushed      D. pleased

9.A. teacher     B. student       C. robot       D. driver

10.A. driving     B. accommodating  C. loading     D. holding

11.A. give      B. show        C. send       D. lend

12.A. teacher     B. driver       C. robot       D. car

13.A. check     B. prepare      C. inspect      D. do

14.A. if       B. when       C. but        D. because

15.A. miss      B. learn       C. study       D. check

16.A. energetic   B. optimistic     C. great       D. handsome

17.A. easy      B. difficult     C. correct       D. wrong

18.A. rushed in   B. got to       C. turned to     D. left off

19.A. took      B. found       C. made       D. kept

20.A. easy      B. important     C. boring       D. Influential

